colour fundus


indocyanine green


The unique structure of NetwORC UK pools the strength of highly qualified and experienced personnel in the fields of clinical research, ophthalmic imaging, information technology and photograding. With access to a dozen experienced ophthalmic graders, the structure of NetwORC UK maximises workload capacity and ensures minimum turnaround times for completed gradings.

The Central Administrative Research Facility co-ordinates the following services on behalf of NetwORC UK:

  • Grading of autofluorescence, infra-red and colour fundus photographs
  • Grading of fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography
  • Grading of optical coherence tomography images
  • Design of grading algorithms, protocols and data capture forms for the above image types
  • Grading systems can be made to order or selected from a range of ready-made templates
  • Grading systems can include a vast variety of ocular pathologies
  • Design of photography protocols
  • Certification and training of photographers
  • Customised databases for electronic capture and transmission of grading data
  • Provision of a secure file transfer protocol service for image submission

optical coherence tomography